A VVelch bayte to spare prouender. Or, A looking backe vpon the times past - Written dialogue wise. This booke is diuided into three parts, the first, a briefe discourse of Englands securitie, while her late Maiestie was liuing, with the maner of her proceeding in gouernment, especially towards the papists and puritanes of England, whereof a letter written late before her death, specifics, as followeth in this first part. The second, a description of the distractions during her Maiesties sickenesse with the composing of them. The third, of the aptnesse of the English and the Scotte to incorporate and become one entire monarchie: with the meanes of preseruing their vnion euerlastingly, added therevnto

Thomas Powell
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By Valentine Simmes 1603 England, Printed at London [32] sidor.