A balme to heale religions wounds - applyed in a serious advice to sober minded Christians that love the truth, and are well-wishers to reformation. In answer to the Pulpit guard routed, lately set forth by one Thomas Collier. In this small treatise you shall finde divers corrupt principles of this Collier plainly confuted. His ignorance fully laid open. Many scriptures cleared from his corrupt glosses. Severall questions handled touching; the ministry. Infant baptisme. Pardon of sin. Extraordinary revelations. Human learning. The outward call of the ministers of England. By Richard Saunders, minister of the gospel for the church of Christ in Kentishbeer

Richard Saunders
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printed by M. Simmons for William Adderton, and are to be sold at his shop at the three Golden Falcons in Duck-lane 1655 England, London [12], 178 sidor.