A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres - VVhereby euerye man maye with finall labour giue aunswere to any question demaunded. Written by Claudius Dariot Phisition, and translated by Fabian Wither. Hereunto is annexed a most necessarye, ready, and breefe table, for the speedie finding out of the planetary and vnequall houres of euery daye thorow the yere, exactly calculated by the sayd Fabian Wither

Ad astrorum judicia facilis introductio
Claude Dariot
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By Thomas Purfoote, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate, ouer agaynst Saint Sepulchers Church 1583? England, Imprinted at London [108] sidor. ill.