A catalogue of choice and valuable books, in most languages and faculties. - With the entire library of Francis Calliault, Esq; deceased, (Secretary to the earl of Chesterfield, when ambassador at the hague.) consisting chiefty of Greek, Latin, English and French, most of them in very good case; which will begin to the sold (the lowest price six'd to each book in the catalogue) on Wednesday the 13th of this instant December, By Tho. Davies, bookseller, in Duke's Court, over-against St. Martin's Church, St. Martin's-Lane. Catalogues to be given gratis, at the smyrna Coffee-House, pall-mall; Daniel's Coffee-House, over-against the Temple-Gate; the union Coffee-House in Cornhill; and at the place of sale

Thomas Davies
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s.n. 1739 England, London [2], 30 sidor. 8⁰.