A choice manuall, or, Rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of Gascon pouder, and lapis contra yarvam, by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite waies of preserving, conserving, candying &c

Elizabeth Grey Kent, Countess of
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printed, by Gartrude Dawson, and are to be sold by Margaret Shears at the sign of the Blew Bible in Bedford Street in Coven Garden 1663 England, London [18], 192, 191-240; [20], 140 sidor. ill. (ports.)
Printed by G.D. and are to be sold by William Shears ... 1654 England, London [16], 226, 140 sidor.
printed by Gartrude. Dawson. and are to be sold by William Shears, at the sign of the Bible in St. Pauls Church-yard 1653 England, London [18], 192, 191-206 sidor. port.