A defence of the olde, and true profession of Christianitie - against the new, and counterfaite secte of Iesuites, or fellowship of Iesus: Written in Latine by P. Boquine a Frenchman, borne in Borges, & Professor of Diuinitie, in the Vniuersitie of Heidelberge: Translated into Englishe by T. G. Whereby maye bee perceiued, howe falslye the Iesuites vsurpe the name of Iesus, and how farre off they are, from the thing signified thereby, and what their profession, and purpose is in truth: otherwise then they beare the worlde in hande

Assertio veteris ac veri Christianismi adversus novum et fictum Iesuitismum seu Societatem Iesu
Pierre Boquin
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Imprinted by Iohn Wolf, and Henry Kirkham, and are to be solde at the little North dore of Paules at the signe of the Blacke Boy 1581 England, London [32], 168 sidor.