A defensatiue against the poyson of supposed prophecies - Not hitherto confuted by the pen of any man, which being grounded, either vpon the warrant and authority of old painted bookes, expositions of dreames, oracles, reuelations, inuocations of damned spirits, iudicials of astrologie, or any other kinde of pretended knowledge whatsoeuer, de futuris contingentibus; haue beene causes of great disorder in the common-wealth, especially among the simple and vnlearned people. Very needfull to be published, considering the great offence, which grew by most palpable and grosse errors in astrologie. Written by Henry Howard, late Earle of Northampton, Lord Priuy Seale, &c. Now newly reuised, and diuided into diuers seuerall heads and chapters

Henry Howard Northampton, Earl of
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Printed by Iohn Charlewood, seruant to the right Honorable Philip Earle of Arundell, 1583. And reprinted by W. Iaggard, and to be sold by Mathew Lownes in Pauls church-yard, at the signe of the Bishops head 1620 England, London [8], 149 [i.e. 151], [1] leaves
Printed by Iohn Charlewood, printer to the right Honourable Earle of Arundell 1583 England, At London [332] sidor.