A fiery pillar of heavenly truth - shewing the way to a blessed life : composed by way of catechism, for the preservation of Gods people from the speading evils and pernicious inchantments of papism, and other errours : for the detection of every mans condition, for the consolation of afflicted people, and for the direction of all sorts of people to life eternall

Alexander Grosse
(Alexander Grosse ..)
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Printed for John Bartlet and are to be sold at the Gilt Cup ... 1663 England, London [2], 3-108 sidor.
printed for John Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup under St. Augustines Gate 1652 England, London 108 sidor.
printed for John Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup under St Augustines Gate 1649 England, London [5], 3-108 sidor.
Printed for John Bartlett ... 1645 England, London 106 sidor.
Printed by Iames Lindesey, printer to the Vniversitie of Edinburgh. And are to be sold by Andrew Wilson Anno Dom. 1645 Skottland, Edinburgh 132 sidor.
Printed for Iohn Bartlett ... 1644 England, London 108 sidor.
Printed for John Bartlett ... 1641 England, London [94] sidor.