A fourme to be vsed in common prayer - twyce a weke, and also an order of publique fast, to be vsed euery Wednesday in the weeke, duryng this tyme of mortalitie, and other afflictions, wherwith the realme at this present is visited. Set forth by the Quenes Maiesties speciall commaundement, expressed in her letters hereafter folowyng in the next page

Church of England
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in Povvles Churcheyard, by Richard Iugge, and Iohn Cavvood printers to the Quenes Maiestie xxx. Iulii. 1563 England, Imprinted at London [10] sidor.
in Powles Church yarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood, printers to the Quenes Maiestie xxx. Iulii. 1563 England, Imprinted at London [48] sidor.