A generall rehearsall of warres - wherein is fiue hundred seuerall seruices of land and sea: as sieges, battailles, skirmiches, and encounters. A thousande gentle mennes names, of the best sort of warriours. A praise and true honour of soldiours: a proofe of perfite nobilitie. A triall and first erection of heraldes: a discourse of calamitie. And ioyned to the same some tragedies and epitaphes, as many as was necessarie for this firste booke. All whiche woorkes are dedicated to the right honourable sir Christopher Hatton knight, vize Chamberlain, Capitain of the gard: et one of the Quéenes maiesties priuie consail. Written by Thomas Churchyard Gentleman

Thomas Churchyard
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By Edward VVhite, dwellyng at the little northe doore of Paules Churche, at the singne sic of the Gunne 1579 England, Imprinted at London [240] sidor.
By John Kingston for Edward White, dwellyng at the little north-doore of S. Paules Churche, at the signe of the Gunne 1579 England, Imprinted at London [246] sidor.