A iournall, of the taking in of Venlo, Roermont, Strale, the memorable seige of Mastricht, the towne & castle of Limburch vnder the able, and wise conduct of his Excie: the Prince of Orange, anno 1632 - VVith an exact card drawne first by Charles Floyd (nowe ensigne) and since lessened and cutt by Henricus and Willihelmus Hondius dwelling by the Gevangen Port in the Hagh. Compiled together by Capt. Henry Hexham quartermaster to the regiment of the Lord Generall Vere. As also a list of the officers, voluntiers, gentlemen, and souldiers slayne, and hurt in this seige. With the articles of composition

Henry Hexham
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Printed by Iohn Pietersz VValpote, for Nathaniell Butter , London, and are to be sold at sic Henrij Hondius, his house in the Hagh anno 1633. VVith the priviledge therevnto of the high and mighty lords, the States Generall of the vnited Provinces Nederländerna, At Delph [8], 48 sidor. folded map