A kalender, or table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that haue beene made and put in print, beginning with Magna Charta, enacted Anno 9.H.3. and proceeding one by one, vntill the end of the session of Parliament holden Anno 7.R.Iacobi - declaring by certaine characters, which of the same statutes or braunches of statutes, be repealed, which be expired, which be altered in the whole, ... are inserted in the seuerall titles of this abridgement. Whereunto is annexed an abridgement of all the statutes, ... together with the authoritie and duetie of iustices, sherifes, coroners, ... and what things by seuerall statutes in force, they must, may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Editum per mandatum Domini Regis. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolns Inne esquire, and by him againe augmented, sithence the session of Parliament holden Anno septimo Regis Iacobi

Laws, etc
England and Wales
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Printed by A. Islip for the Companie of Stationers An. Dom. 1617 England, London [7], 464 leaves
Printed by Adam Islip for the Company of Stationers An. Dom. 1612 England, London [8], 447, 447-465 leaves