A learned and true assertion of the original, life, actes, and death of the most noble, valiant, and renoumed Prince Arthure, King of great Brittaine - Who succeeding his father Vther Pendragon, and right nobly gouerning this land sixe and twentie yeares, then dyed of a mortall wounde receyued in battell, together vvith victory ouer his enemies. As appeareth cap. 9. And was buried at Glastenbury. cap. 12. an. 543. Collected and written of late yeares in lattin, by the learned English antiquarie of worthy memory Iohn Leyland. Newly translated into English by Richard Robinson citizen of London. Anno Domini. 1582

Assertio inclytissimi Arturii Regis Britanniae
John Leland
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Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe, dwelling in Distaffe Lane, ouer against the Signs of the Castell 1582 England, Londin [8], 39 leaves