A letter from the Parliament of Scotland, to the Parliament of England, assembled at Westminster: concerning the advance of the English Army, and their pleading of the Covenant, and the articles of pacification. - Brought by Col. Grey, formerly a member of the late Lord Generall Fairfax's army. Also, their further proceedings, touching the new levy of 12000 foot, and 4000 horse; their sending of ordnance, arms, and ammunition to St. Johnstons, and their resolution in case the English Army advanceth over Tweed. Likewise, the arrivall of their declared king, at the Holy-Island, and the preparation that they have made for the receiving of his person. Together, with the dangerous declaration of the Ulster Army in Ireland, against the Parliament of England, and their resolution in order thereunto

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Printed for G.H. 1650 England, London [2], 6 sidor.