A letter to the merchants and tradesmen of Great Britain - particularly to those of London and Bristol; upon their late glorious behaviour and happy success, in opposing the extension of the excise-laws: with a few seasonable cautions. And something more, which it is hoped will be agreeable to every true Englishman. By Eustace Budgell, Esq

Eustace Budgell
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printed for Samuel Tuckey: and sold by W. Mears; Mrs. Nutt, Cooke and Charlton; Mrs. Dodd; and Mr. Jolliffe 1733 England, London [2],38p. 8⁰.
Printed for S. Tuckey 1733 England, London [1], 38 sidor.
s.n. 1733 England, London? [2]p. 1/2⁰.