A lytle treatise after the maner of an epystle wryten by the famous clerk Doctor Vrbanus Regius, vnto a specyall frynde of hys - wherin he declareth the cause of the great controuersy that hath bene and is yet at this day in the chrysten relygyon and also the dyuersyte betwene the ryght worshyppyng and seruice of God and the ceremonis inuented by mannis institucion, very fruteful and profytable

Urbanus Rhegius
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Imprinted by me Steven Mierdman for Gwalter Lynne, dwellyng vpon Somers kaye, by Byllynges gate In the yeare of our Lorde God. M.D.Xlviij. 1548 England, London [56] sidor.