A mighty victory over the Irish rebels obtained by Colonell Jones, at Lynceyes Knock neere Trim, August 8 instant - where was slaine upon the place, the Earle of Fingall, Lieut. Generall Burne, 7 Colonells 5 Lieutenant Colonels, 6 Majors, 300 officers & gentlemen, 3000 common souldiers. General Preston totally routed, wounded and fled, the Earl of Westmeath taken 40 field officers and gentl. 1500 prisoners, 40 colours taken, 4 peece of ordnance, 1000 muskets, 5000 birding peeces, pistols, and other weapons, 20 carriages, 10 load of powder, match, and ammunition. 2000 sheep, 650 head of cattle, Generall Prestons cabinet, all his bagge & baggage. With a list of the names, and the particulars of both sides

Robert Moore
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Printed for Charles Ryley, & to be sold against the Castle-gate 1647 Irland, Dublin [2], 6 sidor.