A monomachie of motiues in the mind of man: or a battell betweene vertues and vices of contrarie qualitie - Wherein the imperfections and weaknesses of nature appeare so naked, that anie reasonable soule may soone see by what spirit he is lead: herevnto also, besides sundrie deuout praiers necessarilie interlaced, diuers golden sentences of S. Barnard are annexed: and also a briefe conclusion of his vpon this theame, that victorie is obtained by resisting temptation. Newlie englished by Abraham Fleming

De conflictu vitiorum et virtutum
Ambrosius Autpertus
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By H. Denham , dwelling in Pater noster rowe, being the assigne of W. Seres 1582 Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis Storbritannien, Imprinted at London [6], 340 sidor.