A nevv-yeers-gift for England, and all her cities, ports, and corporations, and all such therein who are fit for the same, and desire it. Or, A gift of God to the wise, this new yeer 1653 to make them a free Commonweatlh, if that they pursue therein. - It being a caveat to the reserved, unconstant, ambodextrous engagers with this Commonwealth and present government, who being unstable in all their ways, and are burthenous thereunto. Also, an incitement to the commonalty & free-born people of England, ... Here is also added two letters which have relation or dependence on the Parliaments order, and a letter sent to the several companies of London

Nathaniel Burt
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and are to be sold by Will. Larnar, at the signe of the Black-moor neer Fleet-bridge 1653 England, Printed at London [2], 11 [i.e. 15], [3] sidor.