A proclamation concerning a cessation of arms. - Agreed and concluded on at Siggings-town, in the county of Kildare, the fifteenth day of September, in the nineteenth yeer of His Majesties raign, by and between James Marquesse of Ormonde, Lieutenant Generall of His Majesties army in the Kingdom of Ireland, for and in the name our gracious Soveraign Lord Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c. By vertue of His Majesties Commission bearing date at Dublin the last of August, in the said nineteenth year of His Majesties Raign, of the one party. And Donogh Viscount Muskerry, Sir Lucas Dillon Knight; Nicholas Plunket Esquire; Sir Robert Talbot Baronet; Sir Richard Barnwell Baronet; Torlogh O Neale, Geoffrey Brown, Ever Mac-Gennis and John Walsh, Esquires; authorized by His Majesties Roman Catholique subjects, ... To treat and conclude with the said marquesse for a cessation of arms, by vertue of an authority given unto them, bearing date at Cashel, the seventh day of September, in the said nineteenth yeer of His Majesties raign, of the other party. Whereunto is added, an instrument touching the manner of payment of 30800 pounds sterling by severall payments. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this proclamation be forthwith printed: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com

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Printed first at Dublin by William Bladen, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty; and now reprinted at Loudou sic for Edw. Husbands 1643 England, London 8, 7-10 sidor.
by William Bladen ... and now reprinted at London for Edw. Husbands 1643 Irland, Printed first at Dublin 10 sidor.