A pronostication for diuers yeares - ryght vtyle and profytable to al sortes of people, wherin is declared what persons hath mooste and leaste dominacions ouer the starres and elementes, whereby the iudgementes of the astrologiens be scarsely true, geuynge together great consolation to those who muche fear the constellations. Also of the fourth and laste monarchie, the whiche Charles the. v. ryghte victorious Emperoure of the Romaynes, and Edwarde the. vi. mooste noble Emperoure of great Bryttayne, by the grace of God, gouerneth, comprehendynge also brieflye some words of the last age of the world, gathered together by Master Arnold Bogarde doctour in medecyne, resident in Bruxels and translated into Englysh oute of Frenche by Iohn Coke, clarcke of the Recognysances, or vulgerly called clark of the Statutes

Prognostication pour plusieurs années
Arnould. Bogaert
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In Paules churcheyarde by R. Jugge for Wyllyam Awen The yeare of oure Lorde God. M.D.LIII. 1553 England, Imprynted at London [54] sidor.