A recantation sermon preached in the gate-house at VVestminster the 30. day of Iuly 1620 - In the presence of many worshipfull persons, by Iohn Harding, late Priest and Dominican Fryar. Wherein he hath declared his iust motiues which haue moued him to leaue the Church of Rome, and to vnite himselfe with the reformed Church of England, whose faith and doctrine, the ancient fathers and holy martyrs haue confirmed both by bloud and writing. Shewing herein the grose errors of Rome, in matters of faith, their corrupting the Fathers, and their present declining to some strange and future ruine

John Harding
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Printed by Barnard Alsop for Roger Iackson, and are to be sold at his shop against the Counduit in Fleetestreet 1620 England, London [4], 28 sidor.