A spirituall, and most precious perle - teaching all men to loue and imbrace the crosse as a mooste svvete and necessary thing vnto the soule: vvhat comfort is to be taken thereof: vvhere and hovv both consolation and aide in all manner of afflictions is to be sought: and againe, hovve all men should behaue themselues therin, according to the vvorde of God. Wrytten for thy comfort by a learned preacher, Otho VVermullerus. And translated into Englishe, by M. Miles Coverdale
- Originaltitel
- Kleintot, von trost und hilff
- Författare
- Otto Werdmüller
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
By Hugh Singleton, dvvelling in Creede lane, at the signe of the Geilden Tunn | 1574? | England, Imprinted at London | [16], 344 [i.e 342] sidor. |