A spirituall, and most precious perle - teaching all men to loue and imbrace the crosse as a mooste svvete and necessary thing vnto the soule: vvhat comfort is to be taken thereof: vvhere and hovv both consolation and aide in all manner of afflictions is to be sought: and againe, hovve all men should behaue themselues therin, according to the vvorde of God. Wrytten for thy comfort by a learned preacher, Otho VVermullerus. And translated into Englishe, by M. Miles Coverdale

Kleintot, von trost und hilff
Otto Werdmüller
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
By Hugh Singleton, dvvelling in Creede lane, at the signe of the Geilden Tunn 1574? England, Imprinted at London [16], 344 [i.e 342] sidor.