A spyrytuall and moost precyouse pearle - Teachyng all men to loue and imbrace the crosse, as a mooste swete and necessary thyng, vnto the sowle, and what comfort is to be taken thereof, and also where and howe, both consolacyon and ayde in all maner of afflyccyons is to be soughte, and agayne, how all men should behaue them selues therein, accordynge to the word of God. Sett forth by the moste honorable lorde, the duke hys grace of Somerset, as appeareth by hys epystle set before the same

Kleintot, von trost und hilff
Otto Werdmüller
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By S. Mierdman for Gwalter Lynne, dwellynge on Somers kaye, by Byllynges gate In the yeare of our Lord M.D.C. 1550 England, Imprynted at London [8], ciiii leaves