A strange and wonderful prophesie of Mr. Douglas a Scotchman;

James Douglas Queensberry, Duke of
(Written by his own hand, and sent to their young King, full of wonder and admiration: wherein he foretels the great things that shall befall his person, this present year 1651. VVith a great battel to be fought on the 15. of May next, between the English and the Scots, the event and success thereof 20. Lords to be beheaded, and 20000 horse and foot totally vanquished and subdued, and what shall happen upon the obtaining this great victory. Also the Scots Kings dream, the same night, after he was crowned, concerning England, Scotland, and Ireland, and by himself interpreted, and delivered to the Lord of his privie councel; VVith the strange apparation that appeared to him in the said dream, and the Lord Ogleby his speech touching the same. Signed by James Douglas, the authour of these prophetical observations, and licensed according to order.)
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Printed by J.C. 1651 England, London [2], 6 sidor.