A treatise on the theory and management of ulcers - with a dissertation on white swellings of the joints. To which is prefixed, an essay on the chirurgical treatment of inflammation and its consequences. By Benjamin Bell, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of th surgeons to the Royal Infirmary, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. One line in Latin from Tacitus

Benjamin Bell
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by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, Faust's statue, no. 45, Newbury Street. Sold, wholesale and retail, at their bookstore; by said Thomas, in Worcester; by Thomas, Andrews & Penniman, in Albany; and by Thomas, Andrews & Butler, in Baltimore June, 1797 USA, Printed at Boston xiv, [1], 16-264 sidor., [1] leaf of plates ill. 8⁰.
printed for Bell & Bradfute; and for G. G. J. & J. Robinson, and J. Murray, London 1791 Skottland, Edinburgh 488p.,plate 8⁰.
by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews, Faust's statue, no. 45, Newbury Street MDCCXCI. 1791 USA, Printed at Boston xv,[2],18-296p., [1]leaf of plates ill. 8⁰.
printed for Charles Elliot; and for C. Elliot and T. Kay, London 1789 Skottland, Edinburgh 488p.,plate 8⁰.
printed for Charles Elliot; and for C. Elliot and T. Kay, London, M.DCC.LXXXIX 1789 Skottland, Edinburgh [1] pl.-bl., 486, =(sidpag. 1-16 i romerska siffror)=, [2 ]s. 8⁰.
Printed for Charles Elliot, Edinburgh; and G. Robinson, London M,DCCLXXXIV. 1784 Skottland, Edinburgh [4],492,4p.,plate 8⁰.
printed by Macfarquhar and Elliot for Thomas Cadell, London; and Charles Elliot, Edinburgh 1779 Skottland, Edinburgh [4],436p.,plate 8⁰.
printed for Charles Elliot, and sold by Thomas Cadell, London 1778 Skottland, Edinburgh [4],404p.,plate 8⁰.