A true discourse historicall, of the succeeding gouernours in the Netherlands, and the ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565 - with the memorable seruices of our honourable English generals, captaines and souldiers, especially vnder Sir Iohn Norice knight, there performed from the yeere 1577. vntill the yeere 1589. and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland, vntill the yeere 1598. Translated and collected by T.C. Esquire, and Ric. Ro. out of the reuerend E.M. of Antwerp. his fifteene bookes Historicæ Belgicæ; and other collections added: altogether manifesting all martiall actions meete for euery good subiect to reade, for defence of prince and countrey

Historia Belgica nostri potissimum temporis
Emanuel van Meteren
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Imprinted by Felix Kingston for Matthew Lownes, and are to be sold at his shop vnder S. Dunstons Church in the west 1602 England, At London [12], 156 sidor.