A true relation of Prince Ruperts barbarous cruelty against the towne of Brumingham sic, - to which place on Monday Apr. 3. 1643. he marcht with 2000 horse and foot, 4 drakes, and 2 sakers; where after two houres fight (being twice beaten off by the townsmen in all but 140 musqueteers) he entered, put divers to the sword, and burnt about 80 houses to ashes, suffering no man to carry away his goods, or quench the fire, and making no difference between friend or foe; yet by Gods providence the greatest losse fell on the malignants of the town. And of the cavaliers were slaine divers chiefe commanders, and men of great quality, amongst whom was the Earle of Denbigh, the Lord Iohn Stewart: and as themselves report the Lord Digby

Robert Porter
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Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily 1643 England, London [8] sidor.