A very excellent and learned discourse, touching the tranquilitie and contentation of the minde - conteining sundry notable instructions, and firme consolations, most necessarie for all sortes of afflicted persons in these latter dayes : distinguished into seven bookes, 1. Against covetousnes, 2. Against ambition, 3. Against anger, 4. Against envie, brace brace 5. Against pleasure, 6. Against curiositie, 7. Against feare

Jean de L'Espine
(Written in French by the famous and learned M. I. De L'Espine and newly translated into English by Ed. Smyth.)
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Printed by John Legate ..., and are to be solde at the signe of the sunne in Paules Church-yarde in London 1592 England, Cambridge, England [22], 188 [i.e. 414] sidor.