A very strange prediction of liberty of conscience, foretold (in the year 1652.) and published by our late famous English astrologer VVilliam Lilly, tho then not vulgerly understood, and was therefore the less taken notice of, tho presaging things of great weight and worth, such as the things following may be. First, a church way, laws and orders decreed of God for this kingdom of England in time to come, and by what kind of people to be carried on, and how they shall be qualified for their said work, and how the people in this kingdom may be fitted to receive the same. Secondly, that in favour thereof the then present chief or head magistrate in the kingdom shall respit the execution of the penal laws, by the name of his sharp laws. Thirdly, that about that time the terestial Jerusalem shall be recovered out of the hands of the Turks, the Jews converted, and the fullness of the gentiles brought in, as the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments do declare. With allowance

William Lilly
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printed and sold by Andrew Sowle, at the Three Keys, in Nags-Head-Court, in Grace-Church-Street, over-against the Conduit 1688 England, London 1 sheet ([2] sidor.)