A voice from Heaven: or, The words of a dying minister, Mr. Kayes, - in the county of Kent, at the town of Sundrage, eighteen miles from London, neer Westrum, a market=town in the same county: delivered before those who were then in his chamber severally present to the things he spake, who dyed as he foretold himselfe, the 19. of November, 1644. Master Rogers, Master Rogers his sister, Richard Thomas Yeoman, the wife of Iohn Overy, the wife of one Ford, Master Pain the elder, Master Pain the younger, Mistresse Kaies the sister of Master Kaies, the brother of Master Kaies, Master Saltmarsh minister in the same county, Nicholas Crosse, the son of Master Crosse. Set forth by Iohn Saltmarsh, Preacher of Gods Word in Kent, at Brasteed

John Saltmarsh
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Printed for Robert White, and are to be sold by Giles Calvert, at the sign of the Spred-Eagle neer the West-end of Pauls 1644 England, London [2], 6 sidor.