A dialoge or communicacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge The werke for housholders with the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C

Richard Whitford
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Imprynted by me John Waylande at London within Temple barre at the synge of the blewe garlande M.CCCCC.&xxxvii 1537 England, London [406] sidor.
In fletestrete, at the sygne of the George, by me Robert Redman The yere of our lorde God. M.D.xxxvii. The. viii. daye of Nouember. 1537 England, Imprynted at London [100] sidor.
In Fletestrete at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn de worde In the yere of our lorde God.M.CCCCC.xxxiii. the seconde daye of Maye 1533 England, Imprynted at London [64] sidor.
In flete strete, at the sygne of the George, by me Roberte Redman The yere of our lorde god. M.D.xxxi. The .xix. day of Auguste. 1531 England, Imprynted at London [98+] sidor.
In Southwarke by me Peter Treueris 1531? England, Imprynted at London i.e Southwark [64] sidor.
In flete strete, at the sygne of the Sonne, by me Wynkyn de Worde The yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC. and xxx. the. xx. day of December. 1530 England, Imprynted at London [64] sidor.