Abstracts of the number and yearly pay of the landforces of horse, foot and dragoons in Great Britain for the year 1718 - and of the charge continued on the publick by the wrong done to the reduced officers on the British establishment of half-pay, in filling up to others, commissions in the 13 regiments of dragons, and 8 regiments of foot, which were raised after the month of June 1715 : and also of the accompt of half-pay for the year 1718, delivered into Parliament and dated the 28th of November, 1717, with some remarks relating to the same

Archibald Hutcheson
(A member of Parliament.)
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
s.n. 1718 England, London 1 sidor.l., iii, [1], 28, 5 sidor. 4to.