All slave-keepers that keep the innocent in bondage, apostates pretending to lay claim to the pure & holy Christian religion - of what congregation so ever; but especially in their ministers, by whose example the filthy leprosy and apostacy is spread far and near; it is a notorious sin, which many of the true Friends of Christ, and his pure truth, called Quakers, has been for many years, and still are concern'd to write and bear testimony against; as a practice so gross & hurtful to religion, and destructive to government, beyond what words can set forth, or can be declared of by men or angels, and yet lived in by ministers and magistrates in America. The leaders of the people cause them to err. Written for a general service, by him that truly and sincerely desires the present and eternal welfare and happiness of all mankind, all the world over, of all colours, and nations, as his own soul; Benjamin Lay

Benjamin Lay
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Printed by Benjamin Franklin for the author 1737 i.e., 1738 USA, Philadelphia 280 sidor. 8⁰.