Allegiance not impeached. - viz, by the Parliaments taking up of arms (though against the Kings personall commands) for the just defence of the Kings person, crown and dignity, the laws of the land, liberties of the subject: yea, they are bound by the oath of their allegiance, and trust reposed in them, to doe it. Proved, partly from the words of the oath it self: and partly, from the principles of nature and of law, alledged for such by the Lord Chancellor Elsmore, and twelve other judges in the case of Calvin (a Scot by birth) as appeares in the seventh part of Justice Cooks reports, in Calvins case: which case is briefly set down in the Epistle to the reader. By Robert Austine. D.D

Robert Austin
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by Rich. Cotes, for Joh. Bellamy 1644 England, Printed at London [12], 50 sidor.