An abstract of all the penal statutes which be generall, in force and vse - wherein is conteined the effect of all those statutes which doe threaten to the offenders thereof the losse of life, member, lands, goods, or other punishment or forfeiture whatsoeuer. VVhereunto is also added in their apt titles, the effect of all other generall statutes, wherein there is any thing materiall and most necessarie for eche subiect to knowe. Moreouer, the aucthoritie and duetie of all iustices, sherifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, baylifes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewards of leetes and liberties, aulnegers and purueyors, and what things by the letter of seuerall statutes in force they may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, and by him corrected and augmented sithence the Parliament holden anno 31. Reginæ Elizabethæ

Laws, etc
England and Wales
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By the deputies of Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie Anno. 1592 England, Imprinted at London [8], 368 leaves
by Christopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes Maiestie 1578 England, Jmprinted at London [14], 418 [i.e. 836] sidor.