An act or decree of the Court of Parliament of Paris, made the 26. and executed the 27. of Iune. 1614 - Against a booke printed at Cologne this present yeere, intituled Francisci Suares Granatensis è Societate Iesu Doctoris Theologi, defensio fidei Catholicæ & apostolicæ, aduersus Anglicanæ sectæ errores; containing diuers principles and propositions repugnant to the souerainge power of Kings, ordayned and established by God, the safetie of their persons, and the peace and tranquilitie of their states. Translated out of the French copie, printed at Paris, by F. Morel and Peter Mettayer, the Kings printers and stationers in ordinary, with his Maiesties priuiledge, 1614

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Printed by T. Snodham for Iohn Barnes, and are to be sould at his shop, vnder the signe of the Cardinals-hat without New-gate 1614 England, London [4], 6 sidor.