An aduertisement written to a secretarie of my L. Treasurers of Ingland, by an Inglishe intelligencer as he passed throughe Germanie towardes Italie - Concerninge an other booke newly written in Latin, and published in diuerse languages and countreyes, against her Maiesties late proclamation, for searche and apprehension of seminary priestes, and their receauers, also of a letter vvritten by the L. Treasurer in defence of his gentrie, and nobility, intercepted, published, and answered by the papistes

Elizabethae, Angliae Reginae, haeresim Calvinianam propugnantis saevissimum in Catholicos sui Regnis edictum. Abridgments
Robert Parsons
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s.n. anno Domini, 1592 Belgien, Antwerp 68 sidor.