An astrologicall addition, or supplement to be annexed to the late discourse vpon the great coniunction of Saturne, and Iupiter - Wherin are particularly declared certaine especiall points before omitted, as well touching the eleuation of one plannet aboue another, with theyr seuerall significations: as touching oeconomical and houshold prouision: with some other iudicials, no lesse profitable. Made and written this last March, by Iohn Haruey, student in Phisicke. Whereunto is adioyned his translation of the learned worke, of Hermes Trismegistus, intituled, Iatromathematica: a booke of especiall great vse for all studentes in astrologie, and phisicke

John Harvey
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Imprinted by Richard Watkins 1583 England, London [120] sidor.