An exact account of two hundred and forty-three different diseases, to which the eye and its coverings are exposed. - All copied after nature, in the order many years given, in various languages, viz. Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, &c. &c. In the several courts, and in presence of crowned heads, sovereign Princes, and in many of the most celebrated academies, universities, and societies of the learned. Being the produce of the greatest experience, long and most extensive practice, (in the cure of distempered eyes,) of any in the age we live. The author the Chevalier John Taylor, opthalmiater, pontifical, imperial, and royal, viz. To His Present Majesty,-to the pontifical and imperial courts,-to the Kings of Poland, Denmark, and Sweden, &c.-to the several electors of the Holy Empire,-to the Royal Infant Duke of Parma,-to the Prince Royal of Poland,-to the Prince Royal Charles of Lorrain,-to the Princes of Saxe-Gotha, Orange, Brunswick, Anspach, Bareith, Hesse Cassel, Mecklenburg, Modena, Bavaria, Holstein, Liege, Zerbst, Saltsburg, Georgia, &c. and to almost all other crowned heads and sovereign Princes of Europe,-professor in optics,-member of the most celebrated academies, universities, and societies of the learned, viz. in France, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Italy, Germany, Poland; and, in general, in all the Holy Empire, in Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Holland, Netherlands, &c.-raised to the dignity of citizen and noble of Rome, by a public act, in the name, and with the voice of the senate and people,-Fellow of that College of Physicians, and of the colleges of Padua, Pavia, Ratisbon, Gottingen, &c.-doctor of physic, and doctor of chirurgery in many of the most eminent universities,-chevalier in several of the first courts of the world,-and author of forty-four works on the art of restoring and preserving sight; all written by himself in several languages.-Who has been not only several times in every town in these Kingdoms, (viz. Great-Britain and Ireland,) but in every kingdom, province, state, and city, of the least consideration,-in every court, and presented to every crowned head and sovereign Prince in all Europe, without exception

John Taylor
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s.n. 1759 Skottland, Edinburgh 66p. 8⁰.