An exact and perfect relation relation sic of the terrible, and bloudy fight: between the English and Dutch fleets in the Downs, on Wednesday the 19 of May, 1652. - Relating, how Martin Van Trump the Dutch Admiral, upon General Blagues friendly salutation, set forth his bloudy flag of defiance; with the whole particulars of the fight, and the manner of the engagement. Also, a list of our admirals ships that engaged in the aforesaid fight; and the names of those those sic that lost men in this service, with the namber sic of them that were slain and wounded on both sides; together wth sic the sinking of one of the Hollanders, the taking of 3, and the total spoiling of their whole fleet; with their flight to deep in France, and what hapned sic to the English in the pursuit. Being the true copy of a letter sent to Mr. Richard Bostock of London, Merchant. Published according to order, and printed for the satisfaction of all that desire to be truly informed

Thomas White
Verk före 1800
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
Printed for Robert Wood 1652 England, London 8 sidor.