An exceeding true relation, of a renowned victory obtained against the rebels on the 2. of May. 1642. On the north side of Tredarth. - By the discreet councell, and heroicke courage of Captaine Stutfield, and Captaine Bartlet. Who with a very small number of men slew almost sixe thousand rebels. Being the copie of a letter sent to Mr. Dudley Ratcliffe, citizen, jnhabitant at Tower-hill. Whereunto is added, the copie of another letter sent to a gentleman of worth in London, and read in the House of Commons. Jt is ordered, that this be forthwith printed Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com

W. Benningfield
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Printed for John Reynor 1642 England, London [8] sidor.