An olde thrift nevvly reuiued - VVherein is declared the manner of planting, preserving, and husbanding yong trees of diuers kindes for timber and fuell. And of sowing acornes, chesnuts, beech-mast, the seedes of elmes, ashen-keyes, &c. With the commodities and discommodities of inclosing decayed forrests, commons, and waste grounds. And also the vse of a small portable instrument for measuring of board, and the solid content and height of any tree standing. Discoursed in a dialogue betweene a surueyour, woodward, gentleman, and a farmer. Diuided into foure parts, by R.C

Rooke. Churche
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Printed by William Stansby for Richard Moore, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstanes Churchyard 1612 England, London [6], 112 sidor., folded plate ill.