Anno. III. et. IIII. Edvvardi Sfxti sic. - Actes made in the session of this present parliament, holden vppon prorogacion at Westminster, the. iiii. day of Nouember, in the thirde yere of the reigne of our moste dread soueraigne lorde Edward the. vi. by the grace of God king of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, defendour of the faith, and of the church of Englande, and also of Ireland, in earth the supreme head: and there continued, and kept to the first day of Februarye, in the. iiii. yeare of the raigne of our saide soueraigne lorde as foloweth

Laws, etc
England and Wales
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By Richard Grafton printer to the Kinges maiestie i.e. Richard Tottell 1570 England, Imprinted at London xxxij leaves