Anno .xviii. reginæ Elizabethe. At this present session of parliament by prorogation holden at VVestminster the .viii. day of February, in the .xviii. yeere of the raigne of our most gratious soueraigne lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, queene, defender of the fayth. &c. and there continued vntyl the .xv. day of March folowyng. To the high pleasure of almyghtie God, and the weale publique of this realme, were enacted as foloweth

Laws, etc
England and Wales
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By Richarde Iugge, printer to the queenes maiestie 1576 England, Imprinted at London [120] sidor.
By Richarde Iugge ... 1575 England, Imprinted at London [119] sidor.