Ans. A. Anderson & J. Grieve, to pet. Mrs A. E. Jankowska. H. Corrie, W.S. agent. Ms. Answers for Andrew Anderson in Hopehouse, and James Grieve in Bunanhill, heirs-portioners served and retoured to the deceased James-Tamesz Grieve, sometime merchant in Moscow, afterwards of Petersham, in the county of Surrey, Esq; to the petition of Mrs Anne-Elisabeth Jankouska, relict of the said James-Tamesz Grieve, Esq; now spouse to John Jackson, Esq; of Golden-Square, London; the said John Jackson for his interest, and Alexander Young writer to the Signet, their attorney

Andrew Anderson, in Hopehouse
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1791 Skottland, Edinburgh 14p. 4⁰.