Aphorismes of state: or Certaine secret articles for the re-edifying of the Romish Church agreed vpon, and approued in conncell sic, by the Colledge of Cardinalls in Rome - shewed and deliuered vnto Pope Gregory the 15. a little before his death. VVhereunto is annexed a censure vpon the chiefe points of that which the cardinalls had concluded. By Tho. Scott. Very needful and profitable for all those, vvho are desirous to vnderstand the euent of the restitution of the Palatinate: and of the state of the Prince-Electors, of Saxon and Brandenburgh, in the behalfe of the clergie in Rome. Fit for the Brittish nation, especially to take notice of, that they may euidently see, the issue of all our treaties, ambassages, and promises, with other hopes depending: wherein we haue beene long held in suspence, and are still like to be, to our unrecouerable losse. Faithfully translated according to the Latine, and Netherlandish Dutch, into English
- Originaltitel
- Nieuwe, ongehoorde, vreemde en secrete artijckelen, tot herbouwinge vande Roomsche Kercke-standt, by het Collegie der Cardinalen binnen Romen
- Författare
- Thomas Scott
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
S.n. | 1624 | England, Printed at Vtrech i.e. London | [32] sidor. | |
s.n. | 1624 | England, Printed at Vtrech i.e. London | [32] sidor. | |