Archælogiæ Atticæ libri septem - Seven bookes of the attick antiquities. Containing the description of the citties glory, government, division of the people, and townes within the Athenian territories, their religion, superstition, sacrifices, account of their yeare, a full relation of their judicatories. By Francis Rous scholler of Merton Colledge in Oxon. With an addition of their customes in marriages, burials, feastings, divinations, &c. in the foure last books. By Zachary Bogan, scholar of C.C.C. in Oxon

Francis Rous
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printed by H. Hall printer to the University, for John Adams, and Edw. Forrest 1662 England, Oxford [12], 301, 304-384 sidor.
printed by Leonard Lichfield, for Edward Forrest Junior 1649 England, Oxford [8], 376 sidor.