Aretē-logia or, an enquiry into the original of moral virtue; wherein the false notions of Machiavel, Hobbes, Spinoza, and Mr. Bayle, as they are collected and digested by the author of The fable of the bees, are examin'd and confuted; and the eternal and unalterable nature and obligation of moral virtue is stated and vindicated. To which is prefix'd, a prefatory introduction, in a letter to that author. By Alexander Innes

Archibald Campbell
Verk före 1800
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1728 Storbritannien, Westminster : printed by J. Cluer and A. Campbell, for B. Creake at the Bible in Jeremain-Street St. James: sold by J. Hazard, against Stationers-Hall, near Ludgate; and by B. Barker, at the School Arms in the Bowlling-Alley, Westminster. MDCCXXVIII [8], xli [1], 333 [3] sidor. 8:o