Articles drawn up by the now Iohn Earle of Bristoll and presented to the Parliament, against George late Duke of Buckingham, in the yeare 1626. - containing these particulars following. Concerning the death of King James, on which articles the Parliament was dissolved &c. 1 Declaring a secret plot to draw his Majesty into Spaine, that hee might be instructed in the Roman religion. 2 Shewing who were the principall confederates and contrivers of the said plot, and that his Majesty went accordingly. 3 What hopes were given to the Spaniard of his Majesties conversion to the Romish religion, and what correspondency was held with the Pope concerning the same. 4 Shewing what letters were written to the Pope, and how hee were stiled the Holy Father, &c. 5 That the Pope sent a bull concerning the Kings conversion. 6 Shewing what was the ruine of the Palsgrave. 7 Shewing the great miscarriages of the whole affaires concerning Spaine, and King Iames his resolution thereupon

John Digby Bristol, Earl of
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for I.A. 1642 England, Printed at London 8 sidor.
for I. A. 1642 England, Printed at London [1], 8 sidor.